GOAT Interiors

UI/UX Web design

GOAT Interiors approached me with the task of translating their distinct brand aesthetic and interior design style into a captivating online experience. With a keen focus on understanding their target audience and enhancing user engagement, I embarked on a collaborative journey to reimagine their digital presence.


Understanding GOAT Interiors’ unique design philosophy and the diverse clientele they serve was paramount. Through in-depth interviews and market research, I delved into their brand narrative to create a website that not only reflected their aesthetic but also resonated with their target audience. From rich imagery to compelling copywriting, every element was meticulously crafted to convey the essence of GOAT Interiors’ vision and expertise.


Recognizing the importance of seamless user experience in driving customer engagement, I prioritized optimizing the website’s usability and navigation. Through intuitive layout design and strategic placement of content, I ensured that visitors could effortlessly explore GOAT Interiors’ services, browse design packages, and find inspiration for their own home projects.


Central to the redesign was aligning the website’s visual identity with GOAT Interiors’ brand aesthetic. Drawing inspiration from their signature design style and color palette, I curated a visually cohesive experience that reflected their commitment to elegance, sophistication, and timeless beauty. From clean, minimalist layouts to eye-catching visuals, the website exuded an air of luxury and refinement that resonated with their discerning clientele.


Guiding users towards action was a key objective of the redesign. By strategically placing call-to-action buttons and prompts throughout the website, I encouraged visitors to explore design packages, schedule consultations, or reach out for inquiries. This proactive approach not only streamlined the user journey but also increased conversion rates and customer engagement.


With an increasing number of users accessing the web on mobile devices, ensuring a seamless experience across platforms was essential. I implemented a responsive design approach, optimizing the website for various screen sizes and devices to guarantee a consistent and immersive user experience, whether browsing from a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

By harmonizing brand aesthetics with user-centric design principles, the redesigned GOAT Interiors website emerged as more than just a digital storefront—it became a captivating showcase of their passion for home design excellence, driving customer engagement and empowering clients to transform their living spaces with confidence and style.

GOAT Interiors – A new web presence to drive greater customer engagement.

Hi I’m Chandler 👋

My experience in product and brand design helps me to solve complex problems, tell interesting stories, and create compelling experiences.

When I am not designing, you can catch me on my mountain bike shredding intense peaks, or in the salty sea surfing mediocre waves.
